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Dementia Care

Phone Handset DonationsEvery year, over 1,500 patients are admitted at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust with a known diagnosis of Dementia. Caring for patients with Dementia is a complex process as they are often in hospital with a different health need. Patients present with varying symptoms; agitation, aggression, wandering, delirium, disinclination to eat or drink, refusing care intervention and medication compliance, which is challenging.

The hospital setting presents many challenges to the person with Dementia as this person is more likely to find the hospital environment frightening and confusing which increases their agitation and induces stress related behaviours.

With this in mind, the charity helps to fund activities on all of the Care of the Elderly wards. They are set up and overseen by the Dementia Nurse Specialists with the support of Occupational Therapists. The activity sessions are also supported day to day by volunteer support workers. During the sessions patients are encouraged to participate in different activities, with refreshments available. It also helps to stimulate patients to get dressed out of their pyjamas or hospital gowns.

The teams have used previous charitable funding to support:

  • Placing a bench and bus stop in key wards for patients who wander to find a safe place to go to
  • Play music requests from patients on portable speakers
  • Purchased specialised cups to promote the intake of liquid and to give patients some dignity
  • Play DVDs of old films to reduce boredom
  • Purchase old handsets which attach to mobiles and tablets to help patients communicate easier with their families

We continually raise funds to support our patients at Bedford and Luton & Dunstable hospitals, you can support by:

  • Making a donation via Cheque – made out to Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Charity, sent to Charity Team, Luton & Dunstable Hospital, Lewsey Road, Luton, LU4 0DZ with which hospital site you wish to support and which unit/ward.
  • Call us to make a donation over the phone – 01582 718 289
  • Fundraise for us – contact the team for a fundraising pack